Summary Of Burnout In Human Service

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Cherniss (1980) discusses the prevalence of burnout in human service jobs. She attributes the cause of burnout as the imbalance of demands and resources placed on an individual. The author proposes that important combatants of burnout are supervisors and coworkers. Other factors are “personality traits, career-related goals and attitudes, the person’s life outside of work, as well as historical and cultural sources of burnout.” Ways to alleviate and prevent burnout start with staff development. Having staff informed about burnout and preventions techniques helps individuals take control of their own burnout. The job role and structure of position is often times too demanding. Creating reasonable expectations of employees and giving them adequate time and resources to finish the demands of the job is needed. Management development is key as individual is higher positions should be able to assist employees and offer them appropriate supervision when needed. The organizations problem solving process is not only identifying the problem and coming up with …show more content…

As mentioned earlier, I don’t have a significant other or children to answer to when I come home which allows me to have more time available to myself. I have experience that I benefit from exercise, not only mentally but also physically. I found in exercise it requires focus on the movements at hand so I’m not able to obsess about anything else. I also feel better after I sweat and my muscles are fatigued. Continual exercise has lead to positive changes in my body as it becomes more fit and lean. Seeing a change in my figure also leads me to feel better about myself and not only has a positive effect on how I see myself but also how I view others. My mood is overall lifted. I find that I do best and am most committed to exercise when I have a goal I am trying to reach. Having a goal is an easy way for me to stay motivated and continue to better myself

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