Summary Of Ambrose Bierce's Experience At The Battle Of Shiloh

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From what we know about war is that it is bloody and violent, but many history books lean away from that image they tell us how many deaths there are how long the war lasted and why the war happened, which is important but doesn’t tell the whole story. I feel that American’s memory recall the Civil War as the war that ended slavery. Ambrose Bierce Recalls his Experience at the Battle of Shiloh, 1881 explains the horrific experience of the Civil War soldiers and paints a gruesome image of what went on in the Battle of Shiloh. Bierce showed us that the battle was terrifying “The air was full of noises” “There were deep, shaking explosions and smart shocks; the whisper of stray bullets and the hurtle of conical shells; the rush of round shot.”

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