Summary Of A Modest Proposal, By Johnathan Swift

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Johnathan Swift starts his writing with “the deplorable state of the kingdom” speaking of Ireland and its atrocious population problems, and its inability to find a use for Ireland’s influx in population (385). Swift then begins to explain emotional and statistical reasoning for his so called “scheme” a modest proposal. A plan to reduce Irelands population and find a need and use for it by eating fresh infants and selling them at market for the rich to dine on, creating economic prosperity for those swift labels as breeders (Swift 386). Therefore balancing out Irelands population and wealth ratio, much like the trickledown effect. Whereas Garrett Harding starts his writing speaking of environmentalists ideologies of planet earth and its resource management, he claims is a spaceship metaphor (170). He then explains lifeboat ethics. His explanation of how if the world’s resources and wealth were dispersed freely to the masses would drown the lifeboat, causing “complete justice” (171). He explains how we must exclude some because it is necessary to our survival although this is viewed as harsh and against our natural instinct. Making the remainder sustainable, prosperous, and able to survive. Hardin and Swift form theories by expounding …show more content…

Swift explains how the increase in population will reduce Ireland’s national economic prosperity therefore reducing the individual prosperity of each citizen poor or rich. Hardin explains the same with his example of how if the United States and a non-prosperous nation of the same population kept reproducing as usual the population of the United States after 87 years would reach 420 million and the poor nation would reach 354 billion in 21 years (173). The ratio of the United States to the poor nation being one to eight (Swift 173). This would cause the United States to become just as

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