Summary: I Am Number Four

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I want to begin by stating that I am a massive fan of the Lorien Legacies series, I own all the books and novellas and have enjoyed reading them over the past few years. This is not a criticism on the series itself but rather the author.

Throughout most of my time reading the series I had no idea who the real author of the books was as the pen name "Pittacus Lore" was used, and honestly I wish they had stuck to having a mysterious author.
In January 2015 James Frey came forward as Pittacus. At first I was happy that I finally knew who wrote these amazing books but unfortunately I googled James and found out who he really is. Ignoring the whole memoir fiasco from a few years back- which if you google his name you can find out about immediately- James Frey runs …show more content…

Well, for the first two books of the series- 'I am Number Four' and 'The Power of Six'- Frey worked with Jobie Hughes, who after an apparent 'screaming match' between the authors, was cut from the project. Ever since this James Frey has co-wrote the rest of the series with someone currently unknown.
Jobie Hughes was the one who wrote the movie version of 'I am Number Four' which came out in 2011. Sadly, the movie did not receive the credit it deserved as it widely varied from its book counter part and therefore the idea for the rest of the series to become movies was scrapped. The movie did not just neglect many of the key features of the series, along with well needed explanations and character development, but the story line was hugely changed. I enjoyed the movie but it did not live up to its full potential.
*I believe this may have occurred because when co-writing something, creative differences will arrive and ideas will be altered. In the case of the movie, there was no one to challenge Jobie's ideas and therefore he may have wrote the movie to reflect his ideas for I am number four, rather than the book that was released. *This is just my

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