Summary: Fresh Off The Boat

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Procedure Fresh Off the Boat is a sitcom whose initial air date was February 4, 2015. As of February 27, 2018, a total of 77 episodes, spanned across four seasons, have been aired (ABC). To determine which season to research, the researcher looked through each season to determine which would provide her the most content. This was not a difficult process as she had already been watching this show prior to beginning the research. The first season was chosen for examination because it offered the most diverse forms of social acceptance. Moreover, seasons after the initial season are based on the assumption that the audience is already familiar with the characters and plot, which gives little opportunity to investigate the characters in depth. …show more content…

to suburban Orlando. 2 “Home Sweet Home School” Louis and Jessica clash over how to raise the kids and how to run the restaurant. 3 “The Shunning” Louis urges the family to make friends and promote the restaurant during a block party. 4 “Success Perm” A visit from Jessica’s sister and her affluent husband creates out-of-control family rivalry. 5 “Persistent Romeo” Louis must hire a professional instructor to give the restaurant staff a sexual harassment seminar. 6 “Fajita Man” Eddie takes a job at the restaurant so he can earn money for a new video game. 7 “Showdown at the Golden Saddle” A billboard for the restaurant is struck by vandalism; Eddie tries to get a girl’s attention. 8 “Philip Goldstein” Eddie tries to make friends with the only other Chinese kid in …show more content…

Each episode was viewed at least two times. In the initial viewing, all episodes were viewed and the focus was geared towards understanding the content and re-familiarizing with the characters in the sitcom. Some notes were taken when noticeable scenes relating to the topic were observed. For example, scenes in which blatantly racist remarks were uttered or overt cases of social acceptance depicted were recognized, as such obvious displays of the theme calls for investigation. Particular episodes were noted for not having content relating to the topic at hand. In the second viewing, occurring around two weeks after the initial viewing, episodes 6 and 11 were not examined further as the content in these two episodes were deemed not relatable to the research topic at hand. Episode 6 dealt primarily with the Huang family dynamics while episode 11 portrayed Jessica’s extreme superstition. Less attention was allocated towards the plot and more towards scenes relating to social conformity and racism. Racism as well as other actions resulting from the need for social acceptance were especially of importance. The criteria for which scenes were deemed notable were based on the

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