Summary: Democracy And Greece's Golden Age Of Athens

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m) helots – basically peasants that were required to stay and work on a piece of land. In Sparta, these were the Messenians because their land was taken over. They were to give half of the crops to them and when they tried to rebel they failed to do so. The Persian Wars The Persian Wars, started from the Persian Empire trying to get revenge on the Athenians. Even though they were outnumbered, the Athenians still won with their new weapons and army formations, but Xerxes, the son was determined to invade back after a decade. Eventually the Athenians overcame them by fighting over the sea, creating the Delian League that put the Athenian empire in a higher position over other city-states. Terms and Names …show more content…

He took part in strengthening their government in a direct democracy, which not many city-states followed. He also improved their navy, as a part of trading and defense, along with using the money of the Delian league to glorify their city. Terms and Names
p) direct democracy – the Athenians form of government, where citizens have the power. Pericles was able to put this in place by having more officials being paid. Unfortunately this was limited to citizens that were men and of age. Plus, you would have to be elected first.

Glorious Art and Architecture As part of Pericles plan to glorify the city Athens, he set out to have the Parthenon temple built. It was to honor their god Athena and he let Phidias do what he wanted, which included a giant statue of the god. Many sculptors too created statues that represented classical art. Terms and Names
q) classical art – examples of these were all over Athens and were basically pieces of art that captured the ideal beauty/grace of humans. It represented the harmony, order, and more. Specifically in statues, the faces showed no significant emotions but a serene

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