Summary: A Functional Behavior Assessment

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According to IDEA 2004, students’ behavior is to be monitored for any negative correlations to the learning process. A Functional Behavior Assessment (also known as FBA) is a process used be educators to help address problem behaviors that may interfere with a student’s learning process. Through the use of an FBA, teachers learn many things about the student and the possible reason for the observed behavior; many forms of observation and techniques are used. A team of individuals, such as general education teachers, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school personnel complete the assessment. The results gathered from the FBA process are used to help create a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).
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The student chosen will be referred to as student A. Student A is a seventh grade African American male. He excels at working independently once on track and gives quality answers in discussion. I listed some of the problem behaviors that the student displayed such as fidgeting and leaving their seat without permission, verbal outbursts, and eye rolling. From there, I completed a prioritizing behavior checklist. I determined that the speaking out in class was the highest ranked behavior for this student, close to off task socializing. From there, I interviewed the teacher to complete a functional assessment checklist. In doing so, student A’s teacher helped solidify the problem behavior that I was targeting was indeed there. The teacher’s participation in the interview allowed me to get to know the extent of the problem when I was not in the room, making it an indirect form of assessment. I learned that the student had a history of verbal outburst and potentially did so to gain attention. From the interview results, I had an idea of what type of direct assessment I would use for the student. I chose to use event recording due to the nature of the student’s behavior (no specific start or stop times such as when work was assigned) from there, I recorded what behavior, during what time/date, and how many instances a behavior occurred. I did not see any sort of pattern yet with the student. I did learn that he does like to talk in class, often to talk over peers. I completed a Burk’s behavior scale on the student, which showed poor impulse control, as well as poor attentiontr. I completed an anecdotal record on the student, which allowed me to have another form of direct assessment on record for the student. Comparing the data, I began to see more record that the student seemed using the outbursts to gain attention. I determined the behavior

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