Suicide Among Healthcare Workers

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Suicide tendencies in healthcare workers
Alexander describes that there is a high rate of suicide attempts in healthcare workers than in any other profession. The workers who commit suicide are alcoholics or they may have mental disorder or stress, they take this step because they are experiencing depression, anxiety, or irritability. The study speculated that female healthcare workers are more suicide prone than male workers and they commit suicide at the beginning and mid level of their career because of their dual role duties, as they have to perform their duties as healthcare worker as well as family providers, they have higher pressure of work from their workplace and from their family which gives them distress or depression and become …show more content…

The study shows that some dentists feel frustration, fear, and discomfort when interacting with patients, and some dentists feel stress with payment problems and dissatisfaction from the patient regarding treatment. Some dentists see themselves as second class providers and feel that they don’t have the same status and prestige as physicians, which cause them to take stress and feel depression and commit suicide. Some early signs of committing suicide by healthcare workers are adverse changes can be seen in their behavior or personality, they get addict of alcohol or substance abuse, lack of confidence in their personality, when they have to work in long hours with decreased productivity, decreasing interest in the family or outside world of their workplace, hostility and aggressiveness can be seen in their behavior. These are some of the signs or symptoms which show that the person is not satisfied with his job; he is stressed or moving towards committing suicide …show more content…

The studies suggest that the job retention for the healthcare professionals is based on different factors including job satisfaction, job characteristics, job stresses, providing opportunities for the development of the professionals, providing positive work environment, flexible timings for job shift, maintaining good interpersonal relationships and good communications, give benefits, and provide trainings. Healthcare professionals face lack of these factors in their job and then they decide to leave their job. When an employee leaves the job, then the workload could become increase for other workers, which can affect patient care and increases the stress for other healthcare workers due to workload. Shi discussed that healthcare workers and nurses often complain about their job role and work stress and tell that they have higher workload than any other profession and they have to deal with different problems including physical and mental problems, which is the main reason of higher rate of stress and depression in their field, that is the reason they leave their jobs to avoid anxiety, frustration and depression

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