Sugar Informative Speech

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Interesting facts about sugar
For starters, it is common knowledge that sugar contributes to fat, and that is the primary reason why most overweight people are advised to stay away or reduce their sugar consumption. Sugar is not necessarily evil as some dieting enthusiasts have put it because it is a carbohydrate that can be used as energy by your body. However, too much of it in the body might lead to insulin resistance resulting in diabetes, a condition that may ultimately open up the body to a number of complications. In this post we will look extensively at the effects of sugar, and why it need not be a part of your best meal replacement shakes for weight loss.
Available sugar alternatives
Sweet tooth epidemic (l couldn’t think of a better …show more content…

Sugar consumption is no longer a struggle for me therefore sugar free shakes are just another part of my diet. However, when pressed by a need for sugar, a wiser avenue to take is by blending in some sugary fruits with your shake to improve its taste. If you still haven’t found a reason to jump ship, maybe this will help.

The effects of sugar and sweeteners on your health
1. Weight gain
The continual consumption of artificial sweeteners especially in children creates an abnormal response by the body to want more instead of a feeling of satiety. Since synthetic sweeteners are low in calorie content, the temptation and need to eat more to achieve fullness eventually leads to weight gain. Additionally, adding sugar to meals and beverages makes them dense in calories, and this translates to an increase in weight over time.
On the other hand, your taste buds may lose their ability to detect natural occurring sugars like those found in fruits as a result of over exposure to sweeteners.
2. Tooth decay
Apparently, sugar is a good bacteria promoter, as it allows it to thrive, in its presence, and in turn causing tooth decay. If you fail to practice good oral hygiene, your teeth may develop cavities as a result of constantly snacking on sugar rich beverages and

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