Success in College

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Section One
Managing Your TIME

The frist thing that a new college student must learn how to do is to stay organized and learn to decipher their priorities. By doing so you will make sure you never; miss an appointment, forget to do a homework assignment, and loose sight of time when doing a project or paper. (Waiting to the last minute never allows for your best work to be done) A planner is the best way to keep everything in order and well organized. Withier it be a monthly schedule or weekly or even daily, the use of a planer is huge tool for your success.
Now you might ask your self, “what goes into a planner besides, my homework assignments?’ And good answer would be your daily appointments, a list of all your test and quiz’s, even final dates. With every class there is always syllabus and on the syllabus is a list of project and papers and a number of test. If you read closely you will find the dates of ever paper, project and test. This information is very useful in planning out your week and monthly schedule. If you know that you have a test in your history class on Friday and a religion paper due the same day you can plan out time to prepare for both. The best type of planner to use is one that is well equipped with a small month calendar that you can write on and a large weekly and daily schedule that is easy to write on with lots of space. Another easy way to stay organized to keep a semester calendar in your dorm room over your desk with all the important dates on it such as test dates, due dates for papers and project due dates. The purpose to be organized is to make you life a lot easier, and more efficient, with the planner you can now be prepared for what lies ahead at Calvin College.
Section Two
Reading Your Textbooks

When it comes to textbook reading, preparation is just as important as reading the material. It is easy to find yourself just reading the textbook and then looking back at what your read and not remembering anything you just read. Not every class demands a thorough reading of the textbook, so it is very important to ask the professor to see what he/she will be testing on, either notes in class or the readings form the textbook. For example in a psychology class the professor expects his/her student to know the textbook inside and out...

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...great programs reaching out to student in need of proof reading paper to getting coaches to help set up daily plans. Do not let your pride or ego get in the way of asking for help.
One of he biggest stressor can be a computer that doesn’t work, and one of the things you can do is always save as you work, and know that there are computer labs all over on campus that have printers and internet connection. Any and all technical help can be dealt with in our amazing ITC department. If there is any program that you are unfamiliar with just make an appointment and they will be more then happy to help you. Using the tools on campus will help you to relieve the stress that you feel.
Section Seven
Taking Care of Your Health

It is easy to forget that a huge part of your success in college is staying healthy, keeping a sharp mind and sound body. It is very important to eat right and to maintain a routine sleeping schedule. Staying active and making sure you get enough sleep so that you can keep yourself healthy. A recent study found that walking once a day increase your memorization, which in turn helps you to do better studying.

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