Success Is Not Happiness

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Happiness is not what everyone encounters in their life, to meet happiness a person must make sure the world always takes their side and always supports them in every decision they make. Trying to make everyone happy is not going to happen so quickly, many people are never satisfied even when a person breaks their neck to try to make them happy. In a family business no matter how hard you work to make sure your uncle or your aunt’s small business is the best in town, they will always want more. The top man is always expecting more and more work from you. When a person thinks they did so much work that no more could be done, that is the point when “the boss” demands more. The definition of happiness includes “good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.”( When people do favor for the public they are never satisfied. Society is never satisfied with what a person contributes therefore, people often believe success is more important than achieving happiness. If society is constantly worried about wanting more, contentment will never be reached. Our parents are a perfect examp...

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