Substance Abuse Case Studies

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Description of Problem
The client is a Forty-two year old African American, man by the name of Shawn. He currently has no place to reside. He is sleeping on the Streets of Chesapeake, Virginia. His drug choice is alcohol, which is a depressant drug classification. Shawn didn’t indicate how much alcohol he consumes.
Signs and Symptoms of Abuse
Shawn presents with the symptoms of an alcohol addiction as evidenced by three DUI arrest as well as four emergency visits. He as suffers form depression. I noticed that Shawn was talking at a fast paste. He may be suicidal but it isn’t indicated and will be assessed.
A. The human service professional will refer Shawn to Farley Center. This center will provide him with medical withdrawal. This …show more content…

His socioeconomic status such as unstable housing and loss of job can be barriers that interfere with his treatment. He doesn’t have the funding’s to afford treatment. His relationship with his parents can also be a barrier to his treatment as well. It is hard for Shawn to accomplish his goals that he set for his treatment due to that fact that he feels as if he has doesn’t have a support system. Shawn suffers from depression and is thought to be suicidal. These issues are barriers that can also affect his treatment because he has no desire to get help for these mental health issues. Also, his relationship with his ex wife can be a barrier to his treatment of recovery. For example, he is really upset and sad how things ended between them, which can cause him to be stressed …show more content…

Shawn will definitely remain engaged in support groups.
• Shawn will stay sober by forming a bond with his group members as well as engaging in events with them.
• Shaw will continue to attend a substance abuse treatment center in the emergency of a slip or even relapse.
B. Shaw will attend vocational training to assist him in finding a job.
• He will fill out at least four job applications.
• He will also learn how to write a resume for future references.
C. Shawn will go to the Redevelopment and housing Authority.
• Shawn will apply for affordable housing.
• This will give his an opportune to rekindle his relationship with his son.

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