Subliminal Messages

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Subliminal Messages in Tv or Magazines David Ogilvy, the modern Father of Advertising, once shared this great quote: “A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.” In essence, ads need to be subtle and they are. For example, imagine being at a movie theatre and suddenly craving popcorn and soda. Is this a mere coincidence? Most of the time, they cannot be detected by our conscience mind, but are detected by our subconscious mind (Beane, “The Truth on Subliminal Messages). To say something is subliminal implies that something you are not sure where it has came from, has made its way into your personality or life. Some advertisements often exploit human weakness and reveal our deepest wishes while somehow originated from …show more content…

According to Sheri J. Broyles in her article “Subliminal Advertising and the Perpetual Popularity of Playing to People’s Paranoia,” Vicary would show movies “while at the same time projecting the words ‘eat popcorn’ and ‘drink Coca-Cola’ on the screen for 1/3,000 of a second”(Beane). For this reason, she noticed that the sales increased even though the message was only up there for less than a second, your brain still noticed it. Now, the majority of the community was terrified that companies are doing this type of advertising, but it has never been proven. In some cases, movie theaters will make popcorn and sodas the largest item on the screen hoping you would succumb to the most ravishing details of the items. In a recent 2000 election, the republican party ran a commercial that briefly portrayed the word rat while attacking the political concerns of Al Gore, but this source was hard to tell if it was effective or not (Beane). Now the intent for most of the advertisements on television and in magazines is simple, they all want you to crave their

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