Subject Matter Jurisdiction Essay

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The term jurisdiction refers to the power bestowed upon courts to deliver judgments and make rulings. There are two types of jurisdictions that a court of law is required to have in order to listen to a case efficiently. These are subject matter and personal jurisdictions. Subject matter jurisdiction is said to be the court’s power to determine a case depending on the cause and the subject of dispute. On the other hand, personal jurisdiction is the power of a court to look into a case based on the people involved and make a decision binding the two parties together (Klerman, 2014).
Situation 1
Apparently, Jim is not right as there is subject matter jurisdiction. The fact that federal courts have subject matter jurisdiction (despite the parties …show more content…

The Constitution states that the defendant should have minimum contact with the forum. The minimal contact requirements with a forum state are based on compelling the defendant to not only appear but defend in the forum. That emanates from substantial justice and traditional notions of fair play. The casual activity of the accused during the discussion does not justify the assertion of jurisdiction on a cause of activity or action unrelated to the activity of the forum. Jurisdiction can be shown when the defendant has only been subjected to the decisions of the foreign state out of his free will and is willing to face the state’s form of law.
Situation 4
Federal courts can or may hear cases concerning state laws. A defendant is at this moment able to challenge the state laws in the federal courts. The corporation, therefore, can have the case moved to the federal court for trial. The fact that the breach of contract was a state law means that the Orange Corporation can challenge the law by presenting the case to the federal courts. However, it being a constitutional law in Washington, the Orange Corporation can argue out that it is unconstitutional when presented to the federal court.
In conclusion, both subject matter and personal jurisdiction should or must be assigned for a court to hear a case. These are both vital elements when dealing with cases and should hence be put into not only practice but fair and just

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