Students Should Be Able For Students To Read Next Year In English Class

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Students should be able to choose what the class reads next year in English class based on the standards. First, students can relate to other students on what books are interesting to their age group. Next, students will continue to read more books from the author or series. Lastly, students will get a chance to choose a book they will benefit from. That shows why students should have an influence on the book that the class reads next year in English class. Although teachers know what books are good for students to read, students are able to relate to other students on what books are interesting to their age group. Almost everyone has been in a situation where the teachers picks a boring book that you have no interest in reading. Students should at least be able to pick a book that is more interesting to each other. Students understand what is more interesting to their age group to read without getting bored. They are all around the same age so they know what is interesting to other kids around their age. They can tell what they all like more by talking and compromising on a good book that they might have been interested in reading. Students can meet up and think about what book they could all agree on. Teachers usually will just choose a book without seeing if the students would be …show more content…

Usually, when you read a good series, you will want to read the rest of the books. If the students like the series they will continue reading, and learn more vocabulary and reading skills to help them succeed in school. If students get interested in a book, then they will continue reading, which will also help their academic performance. If they are reading more, they will want to read instead of doing unproductive things. Therefore, the more books they read the less times they will be spending doing unproductive things. That explains why students will keep reading more if they pick out a good

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