Student Education Case Study

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The intervention central organization (n.d.) declares that, “Punishment generally does not improve student behaviors over the long term and can have significant and lasting negative effects on school performance and motivation”. Standard 1 of the Florida Leadership Standards defines student success when describes, “Student learning results are evidenced by the student performance and growth on statewide assessments; district-determined assessments that are implemented by the district”. In this case study, the school and district administrators used behavior, disposition to follow instructions, and peer relations as their indicator for success. As established in the Part II. Policies and Procedures for Students with Disabilities, Section …show more content…

She had serious family problems that led her to misbehave. However, since she was in the ESE program, they could not expel her for any of the level 1 breaches to the student’s code of conduct. The team started organizing paperwork during the entire previous year to have enough evidence to get her into what they said was going to be “the best learning environment for her”. They were not thinking about her well-being and most definite they did not think about the long term consequences to her life. They were just trying to ease the tensions of a group of teachers who were not ready for changes. They were part of the “old school” type who just lecture and all the students must learn on their own. They did not take any responsibility on her learning goals or her life. I still regret that I was not able to defend her rights. However, I never agreed with the decision, I expressed my concerns, and did not sign the IEP meeting log. As a consequence, I was working in another school only three months after the meeting. As a leader, I would follow my ethical responsibility by never taking an easy path if it means the student’s …show more content…

School leaders must follow the procedures while evaluating case by case to make effective decisions. Students should not pay the price of adults’ laziness. Unlimited resources are available in the Internet to help educators and administrators to do their ethical, legal, and contractual job. We as leaders must coach others to understand the differences and need of our students. We must be proactive, emphatic, and culturally aware to help. We must remember that students are not just numbers on a roster, they are human beings who will have to live in a real world and we have the power to change their lives for good or

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