Struggles Of Feminism In The 1800's

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Struggles of Feminism Feminism has been an ongoing war for equality for women since around the 1800’s until this very point in time. Women are treated unequally almost everyday and deserve to be treated just like the rest of the world. Women have been treated unequally for far too long throughout history. Women may have a harder chance of achieving the job they want due to this. In most cases women hear sexist remarks throughout their lifetime. Women deserve political, economic, and social equality. Despite the inequality that women live with, there have been times during history where feminism has made many great strides. During 1920, women were allowed to vote for the first time which was then ratified on August 18th and then formally passed by the congress of the United States of America on June 4th of 1919 …show more content…

Women often make less money during work hours than men usually do (U.S. History). Women have to pay for all the appliances for their beauteous looks such as perfume, jewelry, heels, and nice dresses or work clothes. Women are expected to show more wealth and beauty appearance so they can get their point across and act as the selling product of the company. Men usually wear a nice button down, tie, cakies, and squeaky clean shoes. Women on the other hand, are expected to wear highly expensive foundations, a lovely dress, expensive diamond necklaces, bracelets, and anything else the job prefers. Women have a higher expense rating when it comes to preparing for jobs. Moving on to fighting for our country, most women in the military mostly want to fight along with arm to arm military war battles like men do, but they usually get stuck filing and typing while men get the exciting dirty work (John McCarthy). Many women go through a harder process to obtain the things they want or work for and deserve the equality of every other human

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