Stretch Marks Research Paper

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Sulking Over Stretch Marks? Here Are Five Ways To Deal With Them Effectively

Any blemish on your body can bother you, but stretch marks are kind of in a class all by themselves. This may be due to the (unfair!) stigma associated with them that leaves people whispering about failed diets, lazy habits and other falsehoods. Stretch marks can certainly leave a scar on your psyche, so it's time you did something about them:

The Origins Of Stretch Marks

You've heard stretch marks can happen with weight fluctuations, such as during pregnancy, but sometimes these scars appear with a seeming randomness that defies circumstance. Ultimately, though, stretch marks aren't the result of weight gain, they're caused by the hormonal conditions a body happens to be undergoing at the time. While a person is enduring pregnancy or puberty, there's not much that can be done about the raging hormones, however, at most other times, …show more content…

When they bind with copper, they create an amazing building block of sorts. Dr. Loren Pickart discovered the value of copper peptides to damaged skin in a petri dish back in 1973. Today, Pickart's discoveries are still very hard at work, rebuilding skin cells for burn victims and other types of epidermal trauma. Where stretch marks are concerned, the copper peptides minimize scar tissue and actually rebuild the tissue to close to its original form. Copper peptides are safe during pregnancy and can be (should be!) used at the earliest sign of stretch marks.

4. Manage Your Weight Effectively

Although weight gain or loss itself isn't the direct cause of stretch marks, the metabolic process your body goes through when weight fluctuates leaves you vulnerable to stretch marks. So, there's no getting around your obsession with cheesecake: For numerous health reasons, as well as to minimize your stretch marks, stay within a healthy weight.

5. Laser Surgery As A Final

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