Stress Relief Affecting Children's Anxiety

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It is easy to disregard children’s anxiety, because their problems seem insignificant. Their worries about homework and mean girls on the playground pale in comparison to our worries about filing taxes and marital problems.


Maybe not. Sure, we forget how traumatizing learning long division was in elementary school. But our kids are stressed out. Just because their problems feel small to us does not mean their anxiety should feel small to us.

Why are therapy and stress relief in children important?

We want our kids to work hard and be successful. Then they can grow up to go to college and have booming careers. Most parents have such desires for their sons and daughters. There are reasons to not place this pressure on children, though. …show more content…

Anxious children are not happy. When their lives are taken over by school work, soccer practices, and piano lessons, they do not know how to be children. When we raise stressed kids, we turn them into adults too quickly. They lose chunks of their childhood. If we want our kids to experience childhood, we should focus more attention on their happiness, rather than just their success.

Playing leads to happy kids

Doctors are learning how to make kids joyful again. Playing is its own form of therapy. Children’s therapists have even developed “play therapy.” In these sessions, psychologists use toys and games to work through kids’ problems and worries.

When kids play, they are able to tap into their imaginations. This form of escape helps them let go of their everyday concerns.

Allowing our children to de-stress gives them the chance to be happy. We may not give much thought to our kids playing in their rooms, but playing is therapeutic and helps them relax.

Why are coloring books so special?

We have determined that playing is vital to kids’ happiness and well-being. Different forms of “play” help them in different ways.

Why should kids color? Is fiddling with crayons actually crucial to their contentment?

Coloring is …show more content…

Placing crayon to picture, they learn to be patient while finishing a task. Coloring relaxes children, so they feel a sense of calm in completing a goal. Finishing homework assignments and tuba lessons may be stressful, but this is a task they can relax in carrying out. Coloring is a way to escape

In the past few years, coloring books have become popular for adults, as well! Why have grown-ups suddenly wanted to get in touch with their inner child again? Adults color because the activity is a way to be absorbed in something. We are transfixed by something outside the real world. Coloring gives us as much relief from work deadlines and grocery shopping as it once did from ballet classes and learning to tell time. It is a way to escape, no matter our ages. Why should parents color with their kids?

Coloring seems like a childish thing to do. What’s the harm if we carry on with our day while our children sit quietly with their coloring books in the background?

There are actually multiple benefits to parents picking up a crayon and coloring Minnie Mouse’s dress.

Kids become better

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