Stress Case Study

780 Words2 Pages

It has been suggested the “ stress is in the eyes of the beholder?”. What does this mean? Do you agree?
Argue or comment the issue associated with organizational behavior.
Everyone has experiencing different type and level of stress. Depends on how individual take care of it and managing it. Stress occur in many condition and situation. Human body normally give reaction in pressure or unsatisfying thing that happen in daily life. Everyone including student and employee can get stress. Meanwhile, in working area some got normal stress but some has excessive stress that can interfere productivity, physical and emotional health of worker. The ability to dealing with it can give the difference between success and failure in everything that be done. Everything that occur in working environment that can’t be handled make you feel unprepared and powerless. This will affect your comfortable and satisfying in doing work. Stress has an impact in quality of work and interaction with other. The positive way how you manage stress, so people around you will put high confidence on you.
Stress is the physical and mental reaction due to changes, expectation and experience in personal life. Changes in various condition and demand of life will lead to the body response that is physically, mentally and emotionally reaction. There are various type of stress , by which everyone experience different type and level of stress depends on the situation and the way we manage it. Everyone have their own perception about stress, so the phrases “ stress is in the eyes of the beholder ” are depends on how an individual understand stress and using suitable strategies dealing with stress.
Human body give reaction to stress in three stages. First stage is call a...

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... satisfaction. Unfulfilled expectations or dream, releasing uncomfortable feeling and anxiety due to non-satisfaction of life. Fear and uncertainty give out uneasiness and distress about future uncertainties. Eating disorder or physical constraints that causes physical exhaustion come from lack of good exercise and diet strategies. Eating light and avoiding sugars help increasing performance and lessen stress. Having a light meal, eat right and doing exercise regularly with getting plenty of rest will avoid the unhealthy lifestyle. Disorganization of work and procrastination make the important work being delay and doing task last minute give a big depression.

Implication of stress
Stress undermine performance

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