Strengths And Weaknesses Of Personality

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There are many different personality strengths and traits that each individual possesses. Some are stronger than others. There have been many different ways that psychologists today attempt to define ones personality traits to reveal an individuals strengths and to explain why individuals behave the way they do. A series of different tests have been used to identify personality traits that have difficulties making a career choice and to also reveal ideal career choices for each individual. These tests are here to help in revealing a career path but findings show that they mainly act as a tools in self-discovery and growth which lead to narrowing a career path. The career an individual chooses can be one of the most important and life defining …show more content…

The MBTI determines is a person is an extravert or an introvert, if they are sensing or intuitive, and if they show thinking or feeling, and judging or perceiving preferences. Extroversion/introversion explain how people regain energy. Extroverts gain energy from others while introverts tend to regain energy from quiet time. In the workforce extroverts tend to work better in groups whereas introverts prefer to work alone. Sensing and intuitive preferences reveal how individuals process information. Sensing individuals are more concrete thinkers and intuitive people think abstractly. Thinking and feeling preferences determine how one handles decision making. Thinkers use critical thinking skills to make decisions based on logic and reason where as individuals with the feeling preference are more empathetic and make judgements based on their emotions. The last category, judging and perceiving, are used to describe how a person lives. Judgers are organized and responsible planners where perceivers are spontaneous, disorganized, and tend to be procrastinators. A study done to examine the validity of the MBTI in predicting academic major selection revealed that it was a “good predictor of social and enterprising majors but …show more content…

With the ability of being “good at many things, highly motivated, and eager to explore new experiences” (Reissue 1999), these individuals need to find a career that can cater to their special abilities. Careers for people with multipotentiality are best if they are lifelong that way they have the time and the freedom for self-expression. Extracurricular and leisure activities outside of work are essential in ensuring feelings of

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