Strengths And Weaknesses Of Confucianism

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The Confucian Family Confucius, one of the most important man who ever lived in China, has a huge impact in political and spiritual life in China. His theory of philosophy has spread around the world in many years ago and eve until now. Confucianism shapes what China is today and effected Asia as a whole. Confucianism is a life style that is obtained and taught by Confucius in the 6th century BCE. Confucianism is viewed by many people as a philosophy and also a religion as well. People from China has been following Confucianism for many years. His teachings has spread all over East Asian including Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. Confucius and his family is one of the most discussed topics across Asian American culture. Confucian family’s strength …show more content…

Confucianism is build up by Confucius which vales the moral conduct, and the ethical living. Confucius explained Confucianism as an ethical system rather than a religion. The basic primary principles and goal Confucius tried to reach are “the golden rule which is also known as Jen, the peaceful arts which is known as Wen, the ideal standards of conduct which is known as Li, the proper playing of society’s role which is known as Cheng-Ming, the gentlemanly man of virtue which is known as Chun-tai and the power of virtue which is known as Te” (Zacharias). These are the principle Confucius lives with and tries to pass on to all his students. Confucius believed that people need to improve themselves to create a harmony along with other people: “The faith in the possibility of ordinary human beings to become awe-inspiring sages and worthies is deeply rooted in the Confucian heritage, and the insistence that human beings are teachable, improvable, and perfectible through personal and communal endeavour is typically Confucian” (Religion Facts). People need to be more educated and behave in order to run the country. Confucius believes that in order to improve the country, people have to improve first. In addition, Confucianism has a unique view of how government leader should behave and how a government should be function: “Confucius’ political …show more content…

Men are the strongest implications for developing a strong political system. The main goal of the ruler in the Confucian state was to educate the people and transform them. By mediation, personal rule, and moral example, Confucius believes that men can improve themselves without regulation. According to Confucian family, mediation can solve many conflict without rules to establish right and wrong. People can achieve social harmony by mediation according to Confucian family. Confucius believes that the state needs to institute their people and be there moral guardian. Government should select individuals that can lead the people and educate them: “merit bureaucracy, or civil service, in which all officials were to be selected for their moral qualities, qualities that would enable them not only to govern, but to set a moral example that would transform the people” (Bloom). Leaders and government officials need to set a good example for their people in order to build a strong government. Confucian family explains how good leaders will create good citizens through good examples and

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