Strength And Weaknesses Of Space Endeavors

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The strength and weaknesses for space race resides on both, it capabilities to overcome one another’s launch designs and the ability to attain their operational cost. Historically, there are other nine countries that has successfully completed space endeavors. Each country has developed international launch capabilities. In addition, the incorporation of efficient providers for space program sustainability. With Russia been the first in line to perform such space endeavors. Unite States of America also have the means for space launch endeavors. One strength of the US capability, is the imminent space launch system (SLS). Carrying cargo and crew, the SLS has superior space capabilities than its predecessor. In addition, it contributes to the possibilities of better space exploration. Moreover, the complete cooperation of Government and Space Industry must be achieved, if space exploration are to be pursue by any country. US Launch capabilities includes more cargo and lift capacities, crew launch vehicles, launch and mission systems, and engineering and integration systems. In additio...

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