Stravinsky: Composer, Pianist, Conductor, and Writer

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Stravinsky was born on June 17, 1882 and died on April 6, 1971. He was a Russian classical composer. Stravinsky’s works are mostly neoclassical and serial works and the most representative classic compositions, that are L’Oiseau de feu, which means the fire bird, Petrushka, and Le scare du printemps, which means the rite of spring, represents Stravinsky. Not only composer, Stravinsky was recognized as a pianist and conductor at his works. He also worked on theoretical work, which is called Poetics of Music and he strongly claimed that music is incapable of “expressing anything but itself”. By this writing, he was recognized as a writer. Stravinsky asserted that music is essentially powerless to express something, but he still believed the nature

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