Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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Women often await their husband’s arrival home from work with joy, but not Mrs. Mallard. She awaited her husband’s arrival home in sadness, but what more can you expect from a women not happy in her marriage? In “The Story of An Hour” by Kate Chopin you begin to understand the struggles of a women who is unhappy and unsatisfied in her marriage. You also realize the emotions she might encounter. Most people believe that when a marriage is bad you should try and make it work anyways. It is not uncommon for a person who divorces their spouse because they are not happy to be called selfish or stupid, but who is really benefiting from staying in a toxic relationship? Bad relationships should be handled in an appropriate way. Toxic relationships …show more content…

This may not seem like a lot, but at the end of the year that adds up to about 55.3 million deaths. People die from many different things, such as car accidents, infant complications and heart disease. Mrs. Mallard had heart problems in “The Story of An Hour”. After she had accepted what had happened to her husband and embraces the new life she was about to experience her sister Josephine, who had been one of the people to come and tell her, came to the door of her room seeking admission. Josephine was scared that her sister was making herself sick from crying and desperately wanted her to come out. Little did she know that her sister was anything but upset. Mrs. Mallard opened the door to her room and Chopin writes that “there was as feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory” (Chopin, Paragraph 18). The two sister held onto one another as they made their way down the stairs. Richards was waiting for them, and we can assume that he just wanted to give the two sister’s time to talk. The door handle began to jiggle and “it was Brently Mallard, her husband, who entered”. He was unharmed and unaware of any accident that may have occurred. You can imagine the confusion on Brently Mallards face as his wife’s sister began to scream. Richards steps in front of Mrs. Mallard to shield her from Brently Mallard, and this is when she …show more content…

Research shows that being scared to death is actually possible. If someone is scared enough, whether from a jump fright or from bad news, their heart can literally stop. The adrenaline that runs through your body during this moment can over power your heart, and even though you have significant blood flow your heart will cease to beat (Neporent). Most people would jump to the conclusion that when someone dies from a broken heart it is because something bad has happened to someone they love, but what if it is that something did not happen to someone. In Mrs. Mallard’s case it was just this. She was stuck in a marriage that she did not want. The thought that her husband had died and she was “free” made her one of the happiest people in the world, even though she tried not to show it in front of her sister and her late, or so she thought, husband’s friend. When Brently Mallard walks through the door the shock from this is likely what killed her. Although some of the shock came from him not being dead, some also came from the shock of the life that she thought she was about to be able to enjoy being stripped from her hands. The doctors, Brently Mallard, Josephine, and Richard might have believed that her death was one “of the joy that

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