
694 Words2 Pages

Stoicism is a perspective, philosophy, and practice that encourages a more peaceful and content life, free from material and physical wealth. While Stoicism is still practiced today, it began as a philosophy conceived in ancient Greece. To some, ancient Stoic ideas may seem outdated and old fashioned today, but many of them are still applicable in our daily lives and help us address the many challenges we face as humans. There are many pros to Stoicism – it encourages human responsibility, helps in dealing with life issues, and aids in leadership and self control. However, in almost everything, there are also a few cons – a lack of drive/empathy, breakdown of morality, mental and physical exhaustion – just to name a few. Some say Stoics are pessimistic and insensitive, while others imply that they are calm and stable people. However, before we explore the advantages and disadvantages of this controversial way of living, lets delve deeper into the actual definition of stoicism.

For those who don’t know, you may be asking yourself, “What is Stoicism?” A Stoic is someone who is impassive to pleasure or pain and believes everything that happens is simply fate. It is also believed that a stoic is someone who can experience pain and hardship without displaying their feelings and emotions. The word ‘stoic’ comes from the Greek word ‘stoa’ meaning column. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in 308 BC. Stoicism is divided into three parts: logic, physics, and ethics. Stoics live their life with an impassive approach, demonstrating self-control and detachment from distracting emotions. Practicing stoics master their passions and emotions with the intention of living a life of virtue, wisdom, ...

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...s of depression and emptiness may ensue, which often leads to isolation and becoming fond of being in the cold, dark, endlessness of space.

There are many pros to Stoicism – it helps defend against the temptation and sin that surrounds us everyday and keeps us away from a life of gluttonous pleasure and materialism. However, there are also a few cons – stoics tend to be emotionally withdrawn and unexpressive, often living in exhaustion and depression. They can be unapproachable and are very deep individuals. However, they aren’t horrible people. In fact, they live their lives refraining from the pleasures of life and lives life simply and modestly as they are more focused on living a life of virtue and wisdom. While it may appear that Stoics are devoid of all feelings, they have merely detached themselves in a fairly hasty manner from the pain and pleasure of life.

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