Steve Jobs: The Land Of Opportunity

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The United States is known as the “Land of Opportunity.” Individuals who immigrant or live in the United States could reach the “American Dream,” the idea that every individual can gain success and prosperity by hard work and determination. But only a few people gain success, like Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. He owned a successful corporation and was a billionaire. Jobs belongs in the one percent category. Steve Jobs’s company wasn’t an overnight success, he had worked for years until he reached success. He started his company in a garage, but with effort and determination, he created a multi-billion dollar company. He knows the struggle a person has to overcome to reach prosperity. It took time before he became wealthy, he used …show more content…

Most American have a misunderstanding description on the one percent individual. Arora said, “… a recent survey revealed that Americans think the richest fifth of them own 59 percent of the wealth while the actual figure is 84 percent.” (91) Few individuals own more than half the country wealth. Most companies The CEO of companies should distribute their wealth, by paying higher taxes. They make contracts worth millions for them to be richer. In the United States, the tax money can help build roads and fix ghetto neighborhoods. Allowing poor individuals to live in a nice and clean neighborhood. Because of this, individuals from working class families can have the inspiration and ambition to success. Also, many students can graduate without any debt by making public university free tuition. In order to make this happen, the upper-class family has to pay higher taxes. With the tax money, public universities can provide free tuition, but students still have to provide money for textbooks or dorm cost. Because of this, every individual who wants a college education can have access to an education without worrying about the cost of tuition. Therefore, these individuals can earn a stable …show more content…

Arora writes, “income inequality is justified only to the extent to which it improves the lot of the most disadvantaged when compared to an equal income arrangement.” (89) In the United States, if an individual makes a certain amount of annual income they can qualify for government support. Individuals shouldn’t rely on the government, it is companies’ duties that their employees make a fair and certain amount each month. Such as Walmart, they can increase the minimum wage without increasing inflammation. Because of this, employees would get out of government support and be able to afford to buy a house or a car. With full-time job positions, employees have the access to benefits, like paid holiday and health coverage. This will make employees happy, therefore, putting their best effort leading to profit increase. Their bosses, who have economic stability, should help them because is not enough for them to live in a comfortable situation. People shouldn’t rely on government support if they have a job where their boss isn’t receiving government support but making a large amount of

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