Steve Jobs

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The late co-founder of Apple Inc and Pixar Animation Studios Steve Jobs’ commencement speech at Stanford University’s 2005 graduation is perhaps one of the most motivational presentations ever delivered to young people. In fact, it has the ability to motivate anyone with aspirations.
In his message before the graduates enter into a new world, Jobs used personal setbacks in his life and how he ascended from them in an effort to encourage them to pursue their dreams. In the initial stage of the presentation, I questioned whether Jobs was the right speaker to motivate college graduate since he admitted that he was a college drop. I mean, who is Steve Jobs to talk about sticking to your dreams when he could not even finish college. However, listening to the successes in his life, he could not be better suited for the task as success is what everyone strives for; especially those college students who would have spend years studying. Judging from the audience’s attentiveness and applauses during the presentation, it would seem that his message had been well received.
Nerves usually kick i...

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