Stereotypes In The Movie Crash

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The focus of the movie Crash is on racial and ethnic tensions in the Los Angeles area. This film tells a fictional story that revolves around a series of criminal events in the Los Angeles area involving the interactions of a racially and ethnically diverse mix of characters. The main theme of the film is that all people contribute to racial and ethnic stereotypes and these stereotypes surface in a variety of ways as people continuously interact with one another in society. This movie clearly tackles issues of race and ethnicity in a unique way because by watching the film, it has the capacity to make the audience stop and think about their own racial biases that they hold. Definite soul searching can come from this movie, as well as one …show more content…

Of these characters five are White, three are Black, one was Hispanic, and one was Chinese. In total, there are 16 instances of this type of behavior in the film. In the film, there is also evidence of a clear pattern of differences in the presentation of this behavior across race/ethnicity of the character engaging in the pained behavior of making the stereotypical comment. There are clear differences in the context in which these statements and behaviors are displayed as well especially for the white characters in comparison to the minority characters. To me this film illustrates White and minority characters differently with respect to the use of race/ethnic-based behavior and stereotyped communication. What I clearly denoted was that the White characters display of race/ethnicity-based behavior and stereotyped statements are presented in a positive light – as being the victim of social circumstances. Which in turn leads them to have stereotyped and prejudicial attitudes. The minority characters, however, are shown as being criminal, as holding uninformed stereotyped beliefs, as using derogatory statements against members of their own race, and as holding extreme views about the nature of …show more content…

Also what comes from this film is that everyone has prejudices. Even if it is not displayed all the time it is either in the subconscious mind or only expressed under circumstances of threat and fear. While Crash points out those racial stereotypes that people deem to be true, it also shows how those beliefs can lead to violent, unfair actions. In other words, those false beliefs influence the way people view people especially people of another culture or race. The stereotypes lead the characters of this film to have prejudices about certain people in the movie, much like people in society do on a daily basis. Crash does a great job showing that every race is guilty of having prejudiced beliefs, and this film points out we are all interconnected in one way or another. So from this, this film’s important message is to show people they shouldn’t believe ever stereotype they are told, and consider the possibility that all people of the same race are alike. There are different types of people in every race, whether that means good or bad people, or smart or dumb people. There are no personality traits that every person of a race has. In fact, this movie, to me, was a real eye opener just by the message of how each and every one of us judges every single ethnic group. Crash was a perfect example of how stereotyping, bias, and prejudices run

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