Stereotypes In Reality Tv

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For this essay I have chosen to talk about 3 programmes that have the same theme and genre and I will talk how well this programmes fit with reality TV and what are the issues. The programmes that I chose are: Big Brother (200-2013), The Glass House (2001-2006) and Wife Swap (2004-2010). The programmes that I chose are similar from almost every angle starting with the same class of people and based on a system where people are being watched for a period of time and we are able to see some strangers interact and of what are they capable to do to win. All these series are based on the concept of taking out a group of people from their usual comforts and locking them in a house. After that people are being evacuated until the most popular person is left in the house and claims the prize. Watching these series we are able to compare our lives with others and we can find many similarities from the real life. This type of programmes have a big amount of audience because people love to watch others trying to fight for the same goal and mostly they find this funny. For these three series th...

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