Stereotypes In Reality TV Show: My 600-Lb Life

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Producers of reality television shows often attempt to imitate many common stereotypes, behaviors, and emotions that go hand in hand with everyday life in the real world today. As a matter of fact, the aspect of reality within TV shows often proves as the foremost reason to why individuals decide to dedicate themselves to watching a show on a regular basis. Viewers frequently feel inner connections to particular characters or events that occur throughout a given reality TV show. These connections provide viewers with a sense of purpose watching a show since it may have an impact on how they go about their own lives within the real world. On the other hand, I generally have limited experience watching reality TV shows throughout my recent past, but for this assignment I decided to watch and evaluate a few episodes of the show, My 600-lb Life. The first episode I watched from My 600-lb Life pertained to an individual with the name of Chuck, who began his path to losing an astronomical amount of weight at the age of 46 and at a colossal weight of 693 pounds. In 2006, Chuck’s first wife died from a …show more content…

Throughout the show, the protagonist experiences a great amount of emotional despair before meeting the extravagant rewards that come with living a healthier lifestyle. In fact, most episodes of My 600-lb Life are quite similar, where each patient visits the same exact doctor and develops similar small goals and tasks in order to arrive at a designated weight. Differences in the episodes are apparent by strictly evaluating the protagonist’s friends and family members, since these individuals are most impactful to the protagonist and often are subjected to the label of an enabler (in this case – a person who allows the continuation of unhealthy eating and exercise

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