Stereotypes In Harry Potter And J. K. Rowling

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Shiny Colored Tokens: An Analysis of Female Racial Minorities Present in
J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter
“In examining how race functions in the Harry Potter series it is nonetheless important to help students consider not only what is depicted in the texts but also what is absent” (Wallace & Pugh)
Race, and the implications that it places upon a literary series, is pertinent to the understanding of a given text. Simply because a series features more than one racial demographic does not exempt it from racial critiquing; such is the case with J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. By taking into account the number of characters that represent different minority demographics and the plot lines that encompass each of these individuals, it becomes apparent that Rowling strove to be inclusive as she was writing the series. However, because of the limited amount of racial diversity incorporated into the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, in addition to the limited plot lines surrounding each of these characters, it can be argued that each serves the purpose of being simply a token addition to the story. Tokenism can be defined as “the practice of doing something only to prevent criticism and give the appearance that people are being treated fairly” (Webster). The inclusion of token characters brings forth, in retrospect, no advancement to the plot and serves only to further reinforce ethnic and racial stereotypes in the minds of children and young adults that read Harry’s story.
Throughout the entire seven novel series, J.K. Rowling manages to insert six characters that represent racial minorities. Of these characters, two are male and bring very little to the story aside from comedic relief and love interest. Due to the personality t...

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...These minority females have minor roles and don’t particularly bring any advancement to the plot aside from each of their places of representing a love interest or female companion. They encompass the stereotypes of their respective cultural backgrounds and do little more than pine for the white male leading characters. A discussion of the biological racial dynamics of the wizarding world is not one that comes up too often. By taking into account what dynamics are not present in the novels, readers can gain a better understanding of the racial statements that are being made throughout the Harry Potter series. Whether intentional or unintentional, Rowling’s depictions of these four women paint unrealistic pictures of the racial demographics that are represented which can lead readers to misconceptions about the true characteristics of the given cultural backgrounds.

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