Stereotypes In American East

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American East is a film focused on the clashing of cultures within the United States. Throughout the film director Hesham Issawi shows the difficulties Muslim Americans face in their day to day lives. Issawi drives home the stereotype of Muslims being seen as terrorists within the United States. Many times throughout the films there are references towards the Muslim community and terrorism. Issawi strategically built up the tension regarding these claims all the way until the climax of the film. I will be analyzing the climax of this film in which a young, Muslim actor is pushed past his limits and holds a film crew captive. The scene starts at 1:35:23 of the film and ends at 1:37:43. Issawi many different camera angles, quick cuts, and sounds …show more content…

Omar answers the phone stating “Kate.” The camera switches location, now in the home of Kate, with a close up of her on the phone with Omar. She asks frantically “what are you doing?” with her hand on her head visibly worried. It goes back to the same longshot of Omar and the people being held captive. With no response from Omar, it goes back to Kate taking her hand off of her head and smacking her side in frustration. Next, Omar is seen with the phone held to his ear in a close up. Omar asks Kate what their doctor said. It goes to a close up of Kate stating “he said...” but is cut off by the somebody entering the hallway. In a medium shot Omar is shown getting up quickly to see who it is. You hear the phone being dropped and he points the gun towards the …show more content…

The people being held captive are shown for a quick second jumping in fear. The suspenseful music begins to become more noticeable as the tension grows. Omar is seen in a medium shot holding his gun towards the door. It then goes back to the same shot of a FBI agent. In this shot the agent is telling Omar to put his gun down. A close up of the phone is shown letting the viewer know that the call had not been ended. Kate is shown saying “Omar” into the phone. In the same shot you can hear the FBI agent in the background letting the viewer know that Kate can hear the conversation going on between him and Omar. It cuts to a shot of FBI agent stating that he has people on the way and they would not hesitate to kill him, and then quickly cuts back to a close up of Kate gasping as she hears him say this. The same medium shot of Omar is then shown with his gun still pointed at the FBI agent. Here Omar states that the hostages should be let go. A shot of the hostages is then shown as Omar says “it’s an accident.” Again the FBI agent is shown in a medium shot saying that he believes Omar. Omar is then shown moving closer to the FBI agent. The FBI agent is then shown again in a medium shot, putting his hands up saying he believes Omar. He says he is going to put down his gun. It quickly cuts to Omar in the same medium shot, and then back to the agent putting away his gun. Omar is then seen in a medium-long shot moving

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