Stereotypes About Change Essay

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Barrack Obama said on one of his nomination speeches “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” Change happens all the time, and if you don’t follow, there is no way you will be needed in society as technology advances, trends shift, and policies get pushed. Some people don’t change, and others are always changing and adapting. This read is about change, and how to deal with it. It displays the different types of attitudes about change. Change is everywhere. It is what makes life, life. Without change, there would be no need for brains, tools, or any aspect of our daily lives. We discover something new, and it can change the way society operates, or make an entire job or aspect of life obsolete. A good way to think about it is with capitalism. If one company can catch fish easier with nets, they can sell it for cheaper, and get more sales than another company with fishing rods. If …show more content…

Marines need to adapt and overcome so that they can accomplish any task that is assigned to them. Tactics are learned to rival others, and technologies are developed to outwit. If the enemy keeps doing the same thing, we can learn their patterns and strategize around them. This applies to our jobs as well. Changes happen all the time. It can make our job more stressful, but in order to keep things working, we must learn to accept the changes and apply it to our everyday routine. This thought process can even apply to not just jobs, but general things in life as well. Let’s take a hobby of painting for an example. In order to paint, you need buy paint. An example of change would be the store you go to may be going out of a certain type of paint that you like to use. You could then adapt to finding a similar type of paint, or you could try something different altogether for a different art

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