Staying Awake In The Army

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Staying awake demonstrates Loyalty thru adhering physically to my peers, subordinates, and superiors and my unit the importance of what is being said, demonstrated or explained during any given time. Not only that, but as well as well show the people and give them an example and/or standard to which as a U.S. soldier I should uphold too at all times. To my unit, not staying awake, demonstrates that they have of no importance and that my Loyalty means nothing to them. Not only that, but if, say I was out on a patrol or pulling security or on guard duty and decided to take a nap that would leave my unit and others vulnerable to an enemy attack or pass thru a secure gate. That would be an extreme demonstration of Loyalty not being demonstrated to anyone but myself. …show more content…

That itself2 can make anyone question an individual and what morals they carry. And in this army we are not individuals when it comes to the mission. And those who are individuals, usually, end up costing lives of fellow battle’s all because they decided to do there own thing and not follow what is right. “It can also be very helpful to have some company. If you did the invigilate alone, it could get boring. The military may have some luxuries you won’t enjoy; like enough people, to have two men at every inform or to only pull short shifts. (They’ve asked that we only use their first names for instance of anonymity). I guess it’s the shock of the slap that is effective, but I arrived at my destination unbroken

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