Statlin: A Man of Terror

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A true man of terror, Joseph Stalin will be remembered in both Russian and world history as a tyrannical puppet master with a gun. Stalin was renowned for making people do what he wanted, while having a gun pointed right at them if they chose not to obey. He was a man so compelled to overpass the west's capitalistc countries, that he would stop at nothing short to achieve it. Driven by ambition and power, Stalin retained a tough Bolshevik mentality with a coarse heart. With the capturing of Stalin's son during the Great Patriotic War, Germany offered his son's freedom in return for the release of imprisoned German officials. Stalin replied, " I have no son." This response best demonstrates his harsh nature that paralleled his handling of Russia through imposed will and terror Throughout his executions and clouded ideology one thing remains constant in regards to Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili: he was an immeasurable evil, which we all should count our blessings to have never felt his presence.

Joseph Stalin was a great politician who ingeniously maneuvered his way up the totem pole stratum. Once in power, Stalin wanted to keep it while accomplishing many nationalistic ambitions. He realized Russia was behind other countries in terms of industrialization and imperialistic dreams. Through the implementation of the first five years plan Stalin achieved one of the greatest attributes of his tenure as the head of the Soviet government; he transformed Russia from a widely agricultural country into an industrialized nation. Industrialization at this point was key for Russia in preparation of a future war. Of course, no one can actually say that Stalin saw a great war coming; but we do know that Stalin had imperialistic am...

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...e had none. He was not a compassionate Russian leader worthy of statutes within the countryside. He was an ambitious man driven by power and ideology; whom repeatedly relied on chance. A murderer of many, and a lover of few, Stalin will always be compared to the likes of Hitler, and Napoleon. Maybe in some sadistic way we needed a man like Stalin to remind us of the perilous courtship between ambition and power. Whatever the case may be, Stalin's place in history will always be a sick-minded tyrant who is responsible for the execution of half a million people. Conquest questioned his psyche, calling him paranoid or even crazy. Psychologist might claim Stalin was a classic example of a Napoleon complex with power. I however, find it ironic how a teenager a few months short of becoming a priest, gets so dizzy with success, that he damn near becomes Lucifer himself.

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