Starbucks Health And Safety Case Study

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A definition of Workplace Safety is that it “Describes policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and health of employees within a workplace. It Involves hazard identification and control according to government standards and ongoing safety training and education for employees.” (Business Dictionary 2016)
The key piece of legislation in Ireland that is in place relating to workplace safety is the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work act 2005. This act has specific measures in place in order to ensure the responsibilities of all parties within an organization, be it employers, employees or people who are self …show more content…

As well as the employees, parties that may be contracted to perform a specific job in the workplace must also be informed of the work safe practices in operation there. (Health and Safety Authority, 2016)

Within Starbucks, all personnel are required to comply with all safety regulations, to cooperate with those who impose policies relating to health and safety as well as take the necessary steps and preventative measures to not only protect themselves but also the other partners involved in the running of Starbucks. Their aim is to provide a secure workplace in which to operate.
Starbucks key to success are their customers and they have steps in place to ensure the health and safety needs of their customers are met. The main areas within Starbucks in which there are possible health and safety issues include the storage, preparation of the coffee itself as well as the manner in which it is served to the customer. Starbucks prides itself in providing customers with a clean, low risk environment. Starbucks pride themselves on having their stores as a place that people can relate to as a home away from home, a place to relax and a place in which they feel …show more content…

Retail is a dynamic world where no two days are the same. The loss or the addition of staff, as well as an ever changing trend in customer tastes mean that companies such as Starbucks must continuously review and upgrade their policies where necessary to ensure a safe working environment as well as a safe social environment for its customers.
There are many benefits for a company like Starbucks who have solid Health and Safety Policies in place. To the public it is seen as an organization who values both its workers and its customers. This in turn can create a positive image of the company. Policies and procedures can help steer the team, as a whole, in the same direction as everyone is aware of what is considered acceptable and unacceptable conduct. Having a detailed approach in place means that Starbucks have the ability to deal with any health and safety issues that arise in an efficient manner, with uniformity across the board, which reduces confusion and eliminates different people carrying out their own variation of what should be done. Safe working conditions and a knowledgeable workforce, combined with clear open lines of communication from lower level employees to higher management, create a safe harmonious working environment for

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