Standing up Against Injustice

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There comes a time, in most citizens’ lives when they must stand against their government to produce change. Change can only be acquired if people take the necessary actions for it to take place. Nelson Mandela was a historical revolutionist who helped his people in Africa, to revolt against the government, in order to bring about change. As a result, he was sentenced to prison for 27 years for trying to overthrow the government. Many revolutionist, such as Arundhati Roy and Martin Luther King Jr., explain in their essays how the role of the citizen is to stand against injustice, and how the government labels them as anti-national because of it.
In her piece Come September, Roy talks about tragic events from around the world that occurred in September. Roy mentions that these events are created by American government intervention causing their people to disagree with their policies. In disagreeing, they are seen as ‘anti-national’. Anti-national as explained by Roy is when a person goes against the policies of their government. This means that they are opposed to some government policies or actions that have been authorized. However, Roy rejects this meaning and explains that just because citizens are in disagreement with their government, they should not be alienated because of it.
In her essay, she explains what happens after the American government intervenes in the lives of others. When Israel’s government went into disagreement with Palestine’s, American missiles are what destroyed Palestinians homes (260). Through her writing, Roy is telling her audience not to accept what governmental bodies think about them. Many Palestinians because of government intervention in wars and political affairs, have taken further action. ...

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...eek change. What it really means that fighting must take place, so that people are able to make choices and be themselves, without prejudice being placed on the minority. This is what it means to be free, to decide things for ourselves without consequence.

Works Cited

Austin, Michael. Arundhati Roy Come September: Reading the World. New York. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.
Ginsburg, Tom, Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez, Mila Versteeg. “When to Overthrow your Government: The Right to Resist in the World's Constitutions.” UCLA Law Review 60.5 (June 2013): 1184-1260. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.
King, Martin Luther Jr. “Letter from Birmingham Jail”. Atlantic Monthly 212.2 (1963): 78-88. Print.
Osman Salih, Kamal Eldin. "The Roots and Causes of the 2011 Arab Uprisings." Arab Studies Quarterly 35.2 (2013): 184-206.Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

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