Practicing Essay

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Practicing is a stage that occurs from ten to sixteen months of age where the baby continues to develop away from their mother but always having their mother when needed. Their mobility increases, which help them, explore more of the world around them. As they begin to walk, the child won’t fully separate from their mother but will take a few steps forward then scurry back into their mother’s arms. A concept that goes with this stage is dependency, where the child can always rely on going back to their parent when necessary. Having this constant access to their mother will provide stable emotional support to the child. Weinberg touches on, “for Mahler, the essential feature of this phase is the “elated investment in exercise of autonomous functions- …show more content…

Mahler’s developmental theory was just a concrete idea in my head from class and to expand on those stages, I needed to be able to understand it on a detailed level. The readings had real life situations that I could relate to my own life. By reading those articles I had an “ah-ha!” moment, where I understood why children act certain ways as they are developing. Conducting research on this topic had answered a lot of questions I had outside of the classroom. The credible sources also helped me understand what are high-quality articles compared to other information you are able to find on the Internet. With the concepts we had learned in class, I was able to apply them to my paper and research how they’re related to my topic as a whole. Using these sources has definitely given me a credible …show more content…

Being a criminal justice major and working in community and state services I need to know how the environment affects people. In all honesty because of this class I wish I had taken additional social work classes in my undergraduate career, but you can always make a negative out of a positive. I have planned to go on and obtain my masters in either counseling or social work with how much I enjoyed this course. This class was personally valuable to me because I was able to piece together cases I worked on at my internships as to why juveniles or even adults lead the life that they live. I have also gained good counseling skills when approaching different cultural populations. Outside of my internship experience I have been able to better understand my upbringing, the life choices I make and the hardships that come with them. The coursework sometimes was a lot to take on but definitely worth it. I also enjoyed learning about particular theories and concepts that advance my knowledge in social work

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