Stacey And Stacey In Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry

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How are T.J. and Stacey, from Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, different? Stacey and T.J. have many differences, and a lot of similarities. Stacey is Cassie's older brother, so he is an important character. T.J. is Stacey's friend at the beginning of the story, but near the end of the story T.J. tries to cheat on a final, and blames Stacey for it. In Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, Stacey and T.J. have many similarities and differences.

T.J. and Stacey can be foolish at times, and they both have a younger brother. In Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry chapter 7, T.J. tries to explain to Mama that he didn't have the coat that Uncle Hammer gave him for Christmas, because he gave it to T.J. In Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, when T.J. and Stacey had to take the Final Exam in Mama's class, T.J. tried to cheat, by bringing cheat notes, and when Mama finds them, T.J. gives them to Stacey, and Stacey gets whipped. Due to the fact that Stacey …show more content…

have quite a few differences, for example, T.J. is not very responsible, and Stacey doesn't cheat on tests. In Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, at the end of the school year, when they begin to take Final Exams, T.J. uses cheat notes, and when he is caught, Mama fails him, again (T.J. had already failed Mama's class the previous year). T.J. isn't happy that he failed the class again, so he goes to the Wallace Store and tells Kaleb Wallace and Harlan Granger that Mama is an awful teacher. Stacey wouldn't have done this, he wouldn't have cheated, and he wouldn't have told Mr. Wallace or Mr. Granger. When the end of the year comes Stacey, from Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, wouldn't have tried to cheat on the Finals, because he had studied, unlike T.J. Stacey and wouldn't have tried to cheat on the Final, because he had spent the time to study for it, which T.J. should have. Stacey is very different from T.J., two characters from Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry, because T.J. is very irresponsible, and Stacey does not cheat on

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