St Vincent De Paul Research Paper

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The Society of Saint Vincent De paul Homelessness is a rapidly growing issue all over the world, and approximately there are 30 million kids living out on the streets or don't have a house to come to. As the growing issue of homelessness grew every year, many organizations grew to accommodate the changing demographic of homeless individuals within the United States of America. One of the most vital organizations that combat homelessness in Arizona is named the Society of Saint Vincent De Paul, and lowers the suffering of hundreds and puts them back on their feet through assistance programs and jobs. The growing homelessness in Arizona is growing rapidly, and the organization that saw the rapid growing homelessness demographic in Arizona over …show more content…

The ongoing homelessness in Arizona has been a concern for a while now and has been an ongoing issue that needs to be solved, and in a article named “10 Facts about Homelessness in Arizona” it states “women and children make up 50% of the homeless population” (Phoenix Rescue Mission). This statistic demonstrates the hunger and needy in Arizona needing help in obtaining the essential items to live such as food and clothing.Next, the ten facts of about homelessness, mentions another statistic such as “40% of adult homeless population suffers from a form of mental illness” then adds on another statistic which is “23% of homeless are US veterans” (Phoenix Rescue Mission). This evidence of homelessness indicates that it can affect anyone from kids to adults living with disability, and homelessness is not an automatic indicator of whether or not a person did a bad deed in their life that led them to be homeless. Furthermore, on the topic of homelessness aid as described by non profit organization named The Society of Saint Vincent De Paul states “ their mission is to heal, House, clothe, and Feed individual's” ( Saint Vincent De Paul). To add on, homelessness led to the development of homeless shelters to combat the homelessness women and men living in poverty. Without a doubt the homeless would be worse without the formation for these non profit organizations, but …show more content…

First, homelessness in Arizona is a important matter in terms of population and general welfare of a Area because when there are many homeless people bad things will occur. In addition, the organization put in different types of free assistance programs to those who really need the aid but can’t afford it any where else, and this offering has benefitted people of various demographics from kids to veterans. Moreover, the cost to the impact of the organization on Arizona undeniably outweighs the the costs to even run the organization because the impact of millions of homeless individuals will only benefit the public and themselves. In the end the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a impactful group of people and definitely is needed in specific areas of cities to help the low income or homeless people obtain aid, and the volunteers for the organization will only put the Society up and as well as the homeless

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