St. Benedict Of Nursia Analysis

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Saint Benedict of Nursia was a monk in the period where “Christians fled to the deserts of Roman Egypt in search of peace and isolation” (Perry 176). Reflecting on the teachings of those before him and his own personal ideas, Saint Benedict created a set of rules to govern and regulate the everyday lives of monks. Having the same teachings as Jesus, his rules mention in his monastic book of rules, became a guide to which thousands of monasteries have been based upon. With that said, I believe Saint Benedict of Nursia is being the most consistent with the message of Jesus as presented in the Gospel selections from Mark and Matthew.
This rule created by St. Benedict of Nursia, is a book of teachings written for monks in a community. St. Benedict is concerned on the needs of the monks in a community environment, like to establish order, understand the relationships of the nature of human beings and provide spiritual guidance. The monks had to be highly motivated, truly dedicated to being a follower of Christ. This is because the monks are doing the same thing as Jesus was doing during his time, leading others in a life of service to God. With that said, The Rule by St. Benedict told the monks …show more content…

Benedict’s rule follows order and regulations, just like Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospel. According to Mark, Jesus said, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength’” (Perry 166). This can relate to what St. Benedict told his people; “In the first place, to love the Lord God with the whole heart, whole soul, whole strength, then his neighbor as himself’” (Perry 182). St. Benedict had the same consistent with the message of Jesus. He wants monks to follow the same rules that Jesus provided. If ever something goes wrong, punishments would be employed to cleanse the

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