Sprite Commercial Essay

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That’s Sprite! There’s nothing like that feeling of being uninspired. I’m sure we all have been there before, whether it’s in the studio or the classroom. In the Sprite commercial featuring well-known rapper Drake, the Sprite Company connects with Drake fans by using an emotional connection implying that: if you drink Sprite like Drake, you will be like Drake. This ad has many fallacies a few being: bandwagon, faulty analogy, and testimonial. The Sprite ad is “stacking the deck” in their favor allowing Drake fans to be blinded by the misconceptions of drinking Sprite. Overall, when using a famous, successful celebrity, such as Drake, to promote Sprite; it is only a matter of time before his fans “hop on the bandwagon,” and start to drink Sprite as well. Any loyal fans of Drake must think that any soda that Drake purchases must be a soda worth buying. It is easy to get caught up in the notion that your idols are positive role models, but that’s not always the case. Especially when it comes to drinking soda, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, “People who consume sugary drinks regularly - 1 to 2 cans a day or more - have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who rarely have such drinks.” Soda is linked to a numerous amount of health problems, like type 2 …show more content…

In the ad, Drake is unable to spit out the words he wants to say by stating, “I’m just not feeling it” until he takes a drink of Sprite. As soon as that inspiring mouthwatering Sprite reaches his lips, his whole body opens up filling it with Sprite, and allowing him to come alive again. Drake is now able to finish his song stronger than ever. Some of the Drake fans are going to think that since Drake is really good at rapping and he also drinks Sprite, in order to be a really good rapper like Drake, you also have to drink

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