Sports Should Be Allowed In Schools

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“Imagine going out to eat and ordering a salad, only to have the waiter tell you that you may not have it, that you must have the soup instead. How would you feel? The choice between soup and salad is benign one, but it demonstrates a characteristic of human nature: we don’t like to be forced into decisions we’re capable of making ourselves. We resist compulsion. God has never approved of using force.” Sports shouldn’t be a required part of elementary education in the United States because everyone should have a chance to make a choice. It’s unfair to force someone to do something that he or she doesn’t like. Sport is supposed to be a fun for a student who likes it, but when the student is forced to play a sport he or she doesn’t want to, it ends up not being fun and kids become unhappy. Being unhappy means not enjoying life. Why kids should be under excess constraints? Instead, why not allow kids to do something that interests them and is enjoyable to them. The way to success is to do what you enjoy and like.
Is that inefficient use of their time? Many people argue that sports benefit students in many ways and that kids aren’t aware about it. Particularly, they say that sports help to reduce obesity and improve kids’ health. But, raising healthy kids can be accomplished by other activities. For example: getting good amount of healthy food is an excellent alternative. Though children may not have the knowledge about the benefits of sports, they have parents who know how to raise healthy children. They better understand what is good for their kids. So why government should intervene in family

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