Sports Injuries In Retirement

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Many athletes in retirement have suffered from life changing injuries. “Nine out of 10 athletes say they have been injured playing a sport, and 54 percent say they have played with an injury such as a sprain or even a broken bone” (“Changing the Culture of Youth Sports”). This is what happens to almost every athlete across the world if they play a contact sport.People can change this for the better of both sides, entertainment and human health, if they educate people, change their mindset or attitude, and use more money. One way to prevent sports injuries is to educate people. There are many sports injuries that happen often. “Sports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising,” (“What are Sports Injuries”). Sports injuries happen very often. There are many, many different injuries, but only two types. “There are two kinds of sports injuries:acute and chronic. Acute injuries occur suddenly when playing or exercising. Chronic injuries happen after you play a sport or exercise for a long time.” (“What are Sports Injuries”). Two types of sports injuries would make people think that there is a small chance of getting hurt, but there are way more than you can think of inside those categories. A lot of people think they are tough, and not that they aren’t, but you should never ignore an injury. “Never try to “work through” the pain of a sports
People can change this for the better of both sides, entertainment and human health, if they educate people, change their mindset or attitude, and use more money. People around the globe seem to think that it is the National Football League or the head of all the other sports fault for bad injuries. I think it is everyone’s fault because if it is a person you know you should warn them and try to help them with their decision, but still do not make the decision for them. This problem surely will be extinct if we all work to help players not to get

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