Spiritual Counseling Research Paper

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Do you think counseling will help the homosexual client?

I surmise that spiritual counseling will help the homosexual client in a vast amount of ways. Spiritual counseling help the client cope with and resolve emotional concerns. The counselor can provide a place of tranquility, where the client can converse about all the problems that has imprisoned the client's mental stability.

My suggestion would be to help the homosexual client cope with being homosexual and build upon their mental fortitude and mental foundation. Furthermore, I would build upon the idea of the client practicing safe sex and ask the client are they in a healthy home environment. It is imperative that the client is utilizing the proper protection, to protect themselves …show more content…

In addition, I would let the client know, that there is help out tailored to their needs. Example: If a client is musing (thinking) about suicide or distress, I would submit to the client the number to the help hotline. The hotline is a crisis text and phone 24/7 hotline for confidential text messages and phone conversation to service those individuals who are/were engaged in a crisis. The (800) 273-8255 Hotline helps to prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention, and gives out crisis resources for the people and their friends and families. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), "members of the LGBTQ community are more likely than members of the general population to attempt and complete suicide and experience difficulty with mental health issues."[3] As a Christian, personally I do not find myself struggling with how to address a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community, because I literally look at all human beings as equals. As a spiritual counselor, it is essential to understand each homosexual client's terms of sexuality. The "LGBTQ" is a title or label, and does not define their character, purpose, or …show more content…

I will continue to treat all my brothers and sisters with the utmost respect, grace, and dignity. I have three cousins that are gay and that of which, one of them met his early demise at the age of 20. No one is perfect and we all fall short of the Glory of God, the Almighty hence, we were born in sin and will continue to sin (Romans 3:23). It is my devoir to emulate Jesus' behaviors and accept everyone as they are. Bednar’s declares that, “Pastoral counseling tends to help people adjust to the stresses of daily living and to deal effectively with inner conflict through the application of biblical wisdom” stresses the personal approach from the wisdom of God.[4] The Holy Spirit will continue to influence my mental capacity and strength, thus I guide the the client to a place pure

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