Spinal Cord Injury Essay

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Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a medically complicated and life-disrupting condition. It is a traumatic event that often occurs unexpectedly. The effects are immediate which creates so many dysfunctions in an individual’s life. Multiple challenges exist with the unexpected changes and losses associated with such an injury. Individuals can become limited in their ability to participate in activities due to their SCI, and consequently become socially isolated. Many persons with SCI face challenges regarding their physical, psychological and social functioning (Singh et al., 2012). It is a common problem of health sector all over the world but the incidence varies from country to country. As mentioned by Devivo (2012), after analyzing the epidemiological studies through the world, it has been found that the incidence and prevalence of traumatic SCI in United States of America (USA) is more than any other countries in the world. SCI is also a major public health problem in Bangladesh (Hoque et al, 2011). Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP) is the renowned rehabilitation center for the persons with SCI (Annual …show more content…

20–30% of people with SCI show clinically significant symptoms of depression, which is substantially higher than the general population (Bickenbach et al., 2012).On the other hand, persons with SCI also suffer from anxiety and they think of themselves as a neglected person, so they do not want to receive assistance from their family members and community people (Kennedy et al., 2003). Sometimes these experiences create burdens for the persons with SCI. In addition to persons with SCI always think about the new horrible situation. They are always worried about the management of the family. That’s why the investigator has to state some common social experience of persons with SCIfrom the point of view of the men with paraplegic

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