Spike Jonze's Her Film Analysis

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Directed by Spike Jonze, Her stars Joaquin Pheonix Theodore, Scarlett Johansson as Samantha, and Amy Adams as Amy. The film follows Theodore and the operating system called Samantha that he eventually falls in love with. Jonze, since the beginning of his career, has focused on bringing an art house style to the masses. Even with his first feature film, Being John Malkovich (1999), Jonze focused on incorporating his specific blend of art house and popular film techniques into a major film.
Jonze’s most recent endeavor, Her (2013), is the culmination of all his previous efforts. Her’s uniqueness is not rooted in the novelty of the story; while a man falling in love with an operating system does raise some interesting philosophical questions, at the core Her is just a romantic film. What makes Her unique is the way the story is presented—the films artistic vision serves as a vessel for Spike Jonze’s unique exploration of what the world looks like to a man that has fallen in love, and what happens after that love is taken away from him. …show more content…

There is not a single frame in Her that could not be its own photograph—while most high ranking films do have a similar quality it seems to me that the world in Her, a world that is perpetually fifteen minutes ahead, is specifically created for this. Every building, every person, even the cubicles in Theodore’s office seems to be created to match a very specific aesthetic. It’s not like Snowpiercer (2013) where the world that director Boong Jong-Ho created is meant to seem far off in the future and far away from the real world, Her has the exact opposite quality. Jonze’s film is meant to feel real while maintaining a semblance of distance to the viewer; it’s meant to make the viewer feel sympathetic, not empathetic. That’s the main quality that makes Her so good—everything in the movie is presented realistically and beautifully, without being

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