Spiderman Two, By Steven Soderbergh

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Movies can be introduced to the audience in different genres. The genre of a movie depends on the story or the script. Depending on the storyline there are many types of film genres like action, realistic, romance, thriller, etc. Actual movies are movies directed and produced using the information based on the real life experience. A true story movie can have different genres because the movies are based on the actual life experience and not everybody, has experienced the same. Another, the genre of film is comic book movies. Comic book movies or superhero film look much different today than when they did back in the beginning. During the beginning, superhero movies were mainly for the kids, and hardly anything to get excited over. But …show more content…

In this film, the real, life incidents are replicated with its full intensity. Traffic shows how things work, how the drugs are marketed, how the laws are sidestepped. Meanwhile, Spiderman 2 was a superhero movie, directed by Sam Riami and was produced by Laura Ziskin. The whole movie revolves around the protagonist and the antagonist, with some real life elements added here and there. Traffic movie show how easily drugs are available in our locality even if we have all sorts of laws against them, how close other business deals are related to the drug deal, how the government is connected to this. In Spiderman two, the story starts with the usual life of a college going student and the difficulties that he faces, but later the story reveals the superpower inbuilt in the protagonist and how he uses it to destroy the social cause(the …show more content…

One story is indirectly related to the real life, but in the other one it’s a mix of some real life situations in the beginning, and then some utopian ideas were added to the story to show the superhero mode. In traffic(2001) the important performance is by Michael Douglas as Robert Wakefield, an Ohio judge tapped by the White House as the nation's drug czar.He holds all the general opinions, mouths all the standard platitudes, shares all the naive assumptions--including his belief that he can destroy one of the Mexican cartels by cooperating with the Mexican authorities. This is true in theory, but in practice, his information simply provides an advantage for one cartel over the other. Wakefield is a good man in this movie. Similarly in, Spiderman 2, there is a Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. "Spider-Man 2" gives Spider-Man an enemy with a good nature that is overcome by evil. Peter Parker admires the famous Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina), whose laboratory on the banks of the East River houses an experiment that will either prove that fusion can work as a cheap source of energy, or vaporize Manhattan. To handle the dangerous materials of his experiments, Octavius devises four powerful tentacles that are fused to his spine and have a cyber-intelligence of their own; a chip at the top of his spine prevents them from overriding his orders, but when the chip is destroyed, the gentle

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