Spending In Blood River And Devil's Dungeon

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The effect of spending so much time describing the landscape is that we have a very clear image of what this place is like, and how dark and bleak of a place it really is. With its “Blood River” “dark precipiece[s]” and “Devil’s Dungeon” it is painted to be a infernal and evil area that would not be pleasant to visit, as the narrator is doing himself (83). Based on what you have told us about “The Paradise of Bachelors” it seems that it would be the opposite of this dreary, boring and dark environment, leading us on that later in the story we will be comparing some aspects from their world to the world of “Tartarus of Maids”. Melville does this because he wants us to really grasp what type of place this is and make an image for us to reference …show more content…

The girls are emphasized as being ordinary and blank when the author uses repetition of this word on page 88, and manages to repeat it 5 times in one sentence, so it must be crucial to their character development. The point that Melville is trying to make about the mill is that it's a dismal factory where the only truly living things seem to be the “dark-complexioned man” and “Cupid” and that the girls were being dehumanized and “mere cogs to the wheels” (95,88). Concerning industry, a good example of something that Melville wanted to convey to us was the “young and fair” girl next to the one who has been there longer,who has a “ruled and wrinkled” brow (88). So industry itself is what does the dehumanization to you and makes you work like a mindless machine, working you till the moment you die as shown with the elderly maid who the narrator was concerned for. There is also a powerful message of gender inequality here because girls are the only workforce being used and men are in the seats of what seem to be power and they are the ones benefiting from the all of the maids hard labor. “Bachelors” as the text calls them are shown to be “the very counterpart” of everything that is happening to these woman, and according to you have a

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